How To Set Your Small Business Apart From Competitors: 7 Tips and Strategies

Setting your small business apart from competitors in today's hyper-competitive business landscape is critical to ensuring long-term success. With so many businesses competing for the customer’s attention, you must develop a unique business proposition to stay ahead of the curve.

However, this is only sometimes easy for small brands with limited budgets and resources. It’s always a struggle to stand out among the competition. Fortunately, there are a few strategies that small businesses can incorporate into their day-to-day activities to achieve a competitive advantage.

In this era, businesses can easily gain a competitive edge by:

  • Developing a unique brand identity 

  • providing exceptional customer experiences 

  • Offering innovative products or services 

  • Leveraging various marketing strategies. 

Overall, setting your small business apart from competitors requires creativity, innovation, customer-centricity, and strategic marketing. Here are some key strategies you can use to propel your business ahead of the competition this year. 

Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Find out what makes you better than the competition. What will make prospects choose you for the next office? It could be the quality of your product or service, how you guide the customers through your sales funnel, or your unique approach to solving customer problems.

To define your unique selling proposition, you want to start by analyzing your market. Understand your prospects' problems and what they are looking for in a product or service. Identify any gaps in the market and ensure that your USP meets a specific customer need. You then need to analyze your competitors to know exactly what you’re competing against. After all, the easiest way to win a war is to know your enemies’ strategies. 

Once you have figured out your USP, make it the centerpiece of all your marketing efforts and be consistent across all your business operations. Your business branding and marketing should also be consistent, reinforcing the message of your USP to your target audience.

Our USP may need to evolve over time as your business grows and the market changes. Keep an eye on competitors, industry trends, and customer feedback, and adjust your USP as needed to stay relevant and continue to differentiate your business from others.

Identify and Fill A Need In The Market

A good business model understands the market needsand how to fulfill them. If you find a need and consistently deliver the best services to satisfy this need, you can add value in an extraordinary way, keeping you at the top of the game. This increases your brand reputation and catapults you ahead of the competition.

Identifying and filling a gap in the market can help set your business apart from the competition in several ways, including:

  • Increasing customer loyalty – When a business meets customers' specific needs, it is likely to build a loyal customer base that will return to the business for future needs.

  • Competitive Advantage – By identifying and filling a need in the market, a small business can gain a competitive advantage over other businesses that are not meeting the same needs.

  • Brand Recognition – A business that meets customers' needs can build a strong brand reputation, which can help differentiate it from competitors.

  • Increased Revenue – A small business offering a unique solution to a specific need can increase revenue by attracting more customers looking for that solution.

Offer Innovative Products or Services

Another way to stay ahead of the curve is by offering unique solutions that solve a problem or meet a need in the market.

Start by thoroughly researching your market to identify gaps and opportunities for innovation. This includes studying your target audience to identify their pain points and analyzing your competitors' products and services to determine what you can improve. This way, you can identify areas where customers would appreciate improvements.

You also need to keep up with the latest industry trends and technology to stay ahead of competitors. For instance, if your business is in the floral industry, you can offer your customers to buy rare flowers that your competitors currently do not provide. If you’re a hotelier, leveraging hotel software tools can help streamline your operations and identify new market opportunities, allowing you to offer innovative solutions ahead of the competition. You can then use this knowledge to identify new market opportunities and offer solutions ahead of the competition.

For example, knowing how a subscription business model works in your first year of operation can save you a lot of money and time. You can also determine whether the product you're selling even works with the subscription model or if customers want a subscription-based product. Some trends, like subscription boxes, only work if what’s included in the box is relevant to the theme and worth the ongoing cost.

The other MORE customer-centric approach is to listen to your customers to identify their needs and pain points so you can create products and services to satiate them. You can also use customer feedback to help refine your products or services to meet their needs better.

You should also keep thinking outside the box to keep innovating, offering better products and services that meet specific customer needs or solutions to customer problems.

Offer Exceptional Customer Service

One of the easiest ways small businesses can set themselves apart from the competition is by delivering top-tier customer services. In fact, studies show that customers are willing to pay more for products and services in businesses with better customer service.

Here are some tips to help you improve your customer service to set yourself apart from the competition:

  • Employees training – Train your employees to provide exceptional customer service. This includes teaching them how to communicate effectively, be patient and understanding, and deal with difficult situations.

  • Creating a refined customer service culture – Create a culture of exceptional customer service within your business. Encourage employees to go above and beyond to make customers feel valued and appreciated.

  • Active listening – Actively listen to your customers' concerns and feedback. This will help you understand their needs and improve your business to meet those needs better.

  • Personalization – Personalizing your customer experiences makes them feel valued and appreciated. This can be simple: addressing customers by their name, remembering their preferences, and offering personalized recommendations and solutions.

You can build strong relationships with your customers, increase customer loyalty, and set your small business apart from competitors by providing exceptional customer service.

Create a Strong Online Presence

The world is going digital. Even people who are starting new businesses need to establish themselves online in order to succeed.  Gone are the days when businesses needed to find a strategic physical location to succeed. Today, you must have a massive online presence to achieve the same results.

Therefore, the easiest way a small business can set itself apart from the competition is by having a strong online presence. Here are some ways a strong online presence can set you apart from the competition:

  • Increased Visibility – It helps your potential customers to find the small business online, making you easily discovered by those looking for products or services in the industry.

  • Improved Credibility – A well-designed website and active social media accounts can help establish the small business as a credible and trustworthy entity in customers' eyes. 

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement – A strong online presence can provide a platformfor small businesses to engage with customers and respond to their needs in real-time. 

  • Targeted Marketing: The small business can reach its target audience with greater precision and efficiency through online advertising and social media campaigns. This can help the business to effectively communicate its unique value proposition and differentiate itself from competitors in the eyes of potential customers.

So don’t wait until it’s too late to get started. A good presence online can be the difference between a successful business and a business struggling to break even.

Listen to Customer Feedback and Use It to Improve Your Products or Services

In business, the customer is the boss. Various consequences come with not listening to your boss. This is why small businesses should always pay attention to what customers have to say.

Customer feedback can help identify areas where a business's products or services can be improved. By addressing customer needs and concerns, a small business can differentiate itself from its competitors and build a loyal customer base. Additionally, it helps you to identify areas where its customer service can be improved. Providing better customer service than competitors can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Businesses that listen to their customers also win their loyalty, thus improving customer relationships. When a small business listens to customer feedback and acts on it, it demonstrates that it values its customers and is willing to make changes to meet their needs. This can help build strong relationships with customers and set the business apart from competitors that do not prioritize customer feedback.

Leveraging Partnerships and Collaborations

Partnerships and collaborations can be an effective way to set your small business apart from competitors. By partnering with other businesses or organizations, you can increase your reach, build brand awareness, and tap into new markets. Here are some tips for leveraging partnerships and collaborations:

The first step is to identify potential and reliable partners who share your business values and target audience. Partnering with these businesses can help you increase brand exposure and reach new audiences. Collaborate on marketing campaigns, events, or other promotional activities that can help increase your reach and visibility.

Once you have identified your partners, negotiate reasonable partnership terms. Ensure that the partnership benefits both parties and is based on shared goals and objectives. You should then strive to build strong relationships with your partners. This includes open and regular communication, mutual support, and a willingness to collaborate and share resources.

Partnering with other industry players helps you learn from others, stay up-to-date with industry trends, and gain valuable insights that can help you grow your business.


The market is currently highly competitive. Setting your small business apart is the only way you can beat the competition, increase sales, and stay in business. By implementing the tips and strategies, you can offer more value to your prospects and help increase their trust in your brand, which encourages them to keep buying from you.

These strategies can help you stand out from competitors, attract new customers, and build a loyal customer base. Remember, setting your small business apart requires continuous effort, so evaluate your strategies and adapt them as needed regularly. You can differentiate your small business and achieve long-term success with dedication and hard work.

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Mainvest allows you to raise capital from your community, without giving up any ownership or control in the process. By running a Mainvest campaign, you can engage the community and get buy-in from local stakeholders. If you are ready to take the next step as an entrepreneur, reach out to us here.

This post was contributed by a guest author. Mainvest does not guarantee the accuracy of information in this post and does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice.

posted February 16, 2023
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